The original.

Benefit from over 50 years of experience in the manufacture of precise and backlash-free strain wave gears. Whether you are looking for quality, precision or reliability, choose the original.

Industries & Applications

Product Catalogue

Immerse yourself in the world of Harmonic Drive® actuation technology – with the new catalogues for solutions from the fields of mechanics and mechatronics. All information at a glance: from gears with output bearings to customised complete solutions.


15.07.2024 Instagram

20 Jahre Jubiläum unserer Tochtergesellschaft im Vereinigten Königreich

Vor zwei Jahrzehnten startete ein Unternehmen im Vereinigten Königreich mit einem kleinen, aber schlagkräftigen…

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12.07.2024 Instagram

Wir sind startklar.

Hier geht’s weiter. Sei dabei!


#FarnboroughAirshow #HarmonicDrive

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09.07.2024 Instagram

Persönlichkeiten der Harmonic Drive SE: Christofer Meuser

Heute möchten wir eine besondere Leistung aus unserem Fertigungsbereich vorstellen:

Christofer Meuser hat ein Spezialwerkzeug…

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Technical Support Sales
Direct contact

Fon: +49 6431 5008 234

Are you looking for a technical solution for your requirements or would you like to request a quote? Our technical support team will be happy to help and advise you. Get in touch with us directly.




Technical Customer Service
Direct contact

Fon: +49 6431 5008 793

Please contact our technical customer service if you have any questions about repairs, returning a defective product or the status of your service order.

Please use the form „Return Material Authorization/RMA“ for returns. Registration of the return under:


Spare Parts Service
Direct contact

Fon: +49 6431 5008 793

Our spare parts service team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about spare parts. In this case, please contact us directly:
